Correspondence Journal

Correspondence: Bay leaves


  • Element: fire
  • Planet: sun
  • Deities: Apollo
  • Powers: protection, divination, psychic and dream work, wish magic and manifestation, banishing


Bay leaves are carriers for your magical intentions. Hold the bay leaf in your hands and channel your intention into it, or write the intention directly on the leaf with a sharpie. Use this to add intention to literally any spell or magical recipe (including food).

For a new moon ceremony, write the things you want to invite into your life on a bay leaf. Meditate on your desires while burning the bay leaf over a candle.

For a full moon ceremony, write the things you want to release from your life on a bay leaf. Meditate on your desires while burning the bay leaf over a candle.

Use with sage, cinnamon, or rosemary in a smudge for house blessing and protection.

To attract money, draw a money sigil or specific amount on a bay leaf and keep it in your wallet or purse, or in a mojo bag. If you’re a business owner, keep it in your cash register.

Sleep with a bay leaf under your pillow or drink bay leaf tea before going to bed to enhance your psychic abilities.

Make a mojo bag with a bay leaf, rosemary, and lavender and keep it under your pillow to assist dream recall.

Use in a bay leaf and cinnamon boil to add the elemental power of water to your manifestations.