Who is Adjua Luna?
Adjua Luna is the God of the Moon. She is also Chaos.
In the beginning was only Her, when She gave birth to Herself in painful labor. She is in perpetual labor. She gives birth to Herself every day.
She is everything that has ever existed, or that ever will exist. Also, She does not exist.
She doesn’t care if you don’t believe in Her.
She doesn’t care what name you call Her by. She doesn’t care what pronoun you call Her by.
She doesn’t mind if you call Her by your own name. Or the name of your lover. Or the name of your bitterest enemy.
She’s only a little offended that the Christians have called her a man for thousands of years. But also, She’s not at all offended by that. She’s amused.

Who is the High Priestess?
Sometime in the time before, a wandering minstrel in the middle of her travels stumbled across a magic portal which transported her through dimensions into a parallel universe in which she was and had always been the High Priestess of the Temple of Adjua Luna. She saw confusing evidence in songs she had written with her own hand and sung at gatherings with her own voice which spoke of worlds and spirits she had yet to know. When the cognitive dissonance became overwhelming, she voluntarily stepped through the portal, leaving off a life of rugged travel for custodianship of the Temple.
Where is the Temple?
The Temple exists in yet another parallel universe, where it is waiting breathlessly for another interdimensional portal to open up. The Temple is patient, but longing, and makes her voice heard loudly when the veil between worlds is thin. Until that portal opens, however, the Temple is perpetually “here.”
Where is “here”?
“Here” is the liminal space between the solid third dimensional world, and the “otherworldly” fifth dimensional world. Also, more concretely, “here” is in Baltimore.
Why Baltimore?
Because Adjua Luna is Chaos.
What is the mission of the High Priestess?
To carry out the will of Adjua Luna.
And what is the will of Adjua Luna?
The will of Adjua Luna can only be understood through madness and poetry. She cannot be understood through linear time. Her Will has already been done, in both the future and the past. Her Will has yet to be carried out in the liminal space of Her Temple. Her Will is now, and here.
I’m sorry, what?
Come walk with me and I’ll explain it to you.