Correspondence Journal

Correspondence: Bay leaves


  • Element: fire
  • Planet: sun
  • Deities: Apollo
  • Powers: protection, divination, psychic and dream work, wish magic and manifestation, banishing


Bay leaves are carriers for your magical intentions. Hold the bay leaf in your hands and channel your intention into it, or write the intention directly on the leaf with a sharpie. Use this to add intention to literally any spell or magical recipe (including food).

For a new moon ceremony, write the things you want to invite into your life on a bay leaf. Meditate on your desires while burning the bay leaf over a candle.

For a full moon ceremony, write the things you want to release from your life on a bay leaf. Meditate on your desires while burning the bay leaf over a candle.

Use with sage, cinnamon, or rosemary in a smudge for house blessing and protection.

To attract money, draw a money sigil or specific amount on a bay leaf and keep it in your wallet or purse, or in a mojo bag. If you’re a business owner, keep it in your cash register.

Sleep with a bay leaf under your pillow or drink bay leaf tea before going to bed to enhance your psychic abilities.

Make a mojo bag with a bay leaf, rosemary, and lavender and keep it under your pillow to assist dream recall.

Use in a bay leaf and cinnamon boil to add the elemental power of water to your manifestations.

Correspondence Journal

Correspondence: Rosemary


  • Element: Fire
  • Planet: Sun
  • Zodiac: Leo
  • Deities: Aphrodite, Venus, Virgin Mary
  • Powers: protection, raise vibrations, healing, glamour, love/fidelity, cleansing, memory


Burn rosemary and cinnamon in a smudge for protection and to invite gentle energy and a higher vibration.

Use rosemary with lavender in a bath or tea to help alleviate anxiety.

Use rosemary oil and peppermint oil diluted in a carrier oil (like almond, coconut, olive, or jojoba oil) as a massage oil to alleviate aches and pains.

Use rosemary oil or infusion in glamour spells and homemade cosmetics to increase circulation to the skin/scalp and promote hair growth.

Use with basil in love and fidelity spells.

Wear a rosemary crown at your wedding to promote a happy and faithful marriage.

Use with oranges or orange peels in cleansing spells and homemade cleaning products.

Wear rosemary oil to an exam or while studying, or burn rosemary incense while meditating to improve your memory.

Plant rosemary near your front door for protection.

Burn rosemary with juniper berries to purify a sick room and promote healing.

Rosemary can be used as a substitute for other herbs in spell work.

Cook with it! Use it in chicken, lamb, potatoes, or vegetables. It pairs well with thyme and sage.

Correspondence Journal

Correspondence: Cistercian Numbering System

This can be used in sigil making, witchy artwork, or any other kind of visual affect in which you want to obscure a number. More info here.

Correspondence Journal

Correspondence: Turquoise


  • Color: turquoise, blue, green, yellow-green
  • Element: Earth, Air, Fire
  • Planet: Neptune, Venus
  • Zodiac: Aquarius, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Pisces
  • Chakras: Heart (4th), Throat (5th), Third Eye (6th)
  • Powers: purification, balance, love and friendship, positivity, serenity, wisdom, protection and stability


Wear a turquoise necklace while giving a presentation or at a social function to balance the throat chakra.

Carry a turquoise gemstone in a small bag for protection while traveling.

Make turquoise infused water with a Gem Pod Water Bottle (yes, this is an affiliate link) and either drink it or spray it on yourself as part of a glamour ritual.

Correspondence Journal

Correspondence: Red Jasper

Click this image to buy a red jasper stone. Yes, this is an affiliate link.


  • Color: brick red/dark red
  • Element: Earth, Fire
  • Zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Capricorn
  • Chakras: Root (1st)
  • Powers: stability, grounding, protection, healing from trauma, stimulates courage


Hold it in your hand while you’re meditating to calm or prevent anxiety.

Wear it as a pendant around your neck or carry it in your pocket or in a small bag when you need courage and/or protection. (Click here for a spell to dominate an audience)

Correspondence Journal

Correspondence: Cinnamon

The first thing to know is that there are two different kinds of cinnamon. I know this because the first time I bought cinnamon to smudge with, it was the wrong kind. It was too thick and wouldn’t burn.

Behold, the two kinds of cinnamon.

As you can see in the above picture, the cinnamon stick on the left looks like a solid layer of very thick bark curled over on itself somewhat loosely. As you can imagine, that’s the one that won’t burn. It is, however, fantastic for boiling spells, or for adding to tea or coffee or other food, because it can be reused. I wouldn’t put a cinnamon stick in my apple cider after I had used it in coffee, but I would certainly put it in a second cup of coffee. I don’t throw cinnamon sticks away until I’ve used them so many times that they no longer smell like cinnamon, and that usually takes a long time and a lot of uses.

The cinnamon stick on the right, however, is lighter colored and looks like several very thin layers, thin enough that you could peel them apart with your fingers. Those will burn easily if you hold them over a fire, and as such I only use those for smudging.

My experience at several different grocery stores is that there’s no indication on the packaging of which is which, and that the only way to tell the difference is to look at the cinnamon itself (assuming the packaging is clear). A quick google search tells me that the unburnable kind is called “cassia,” not “true cinnamon” but I have never seen it indicated as such. So yeah, just look carefully at what you’re buying before you buy it.


  • Element: Fire
  • Planet: Sun, Mars
  • Gender: Masculine
  • Zodiac: Aries, Leo
  • Chakras: Root (1st), Sacral (2nd)
  • Powers: protection, warmth, love/lust, abundance/prosperity


Add a cinnamon stick to a smudge for a house protection spell. My personal experience is that cinnamon smudges also function as an antidepressant, raising and warming the vibration of the room you’re smudging.

Mix powdered cinnamon with black salt and sweep your house or place of business with it for a success and abundance.

Add power to bay leaf intentions in a boil.

Use cinnamon with vanilla for a love/lust spell.

Use it with cloves, ginger, nutmeg, or basil for a money drawing spell.

Flavor various different foods and beverages, including coffee, tea, wine, hot cocoa, cookies and other desserts, apples and other fruits, and meat.

Use (diluted and in moderation, as too much can burn sensitive skin) in homemade cosmetics and glamour spells to improve acne, heal dry skin, and improve blood flow to the skin. (Don’t use it in anything that will go in your hair.)