Chronicles and Observation Journal

Chronicles: Pecans and coffee

I’ve been awake for two or three hours now.

I’ve had broth and my pills, but not coffee or food. I’ve just been scrolling facebook. Not doomscrolling. I don’t do that. But inspo-scrolling. Primarily in groups where I seem to have become the grown up. It’s almost too easy to forget that I’m the high priestess when I haven’t done my daily duties. I haven’t smudged or laid out offerings. There’s a candle holder full of old wax waiting for me to melt into new candles. I literally haven’t eaten yet.

My minister has gone out to the grocery store. I was going to go with him, but he decided it would lower the plague risk if I didn’t. The numbers are always rising. There’s a new strain, I’m told. The house isn’t devoid of food, though. I could make a sandwich if inertia weren’t preventing that. I could have some pecans, which were purchased and blessed for just such an occasion. I could have some coffee. It’s literally just sitting on the table.

I don’t always know when I’m anxious, in the same way that I don’t always know when I’m hungry. But usually I can recognize when I’m displaying anxious or hungry behavior, and it would probably be helpful for me to pour myself a cup of coffee and eat a handful of pecans.