Correspondence Journal

Correspondence: Rosemary


  • Element: Fire
  • Planet: Sun
  • Zodiac: Leo
  • Deities: Aphrodite, Venus, Virgin Mary
  • Powers: protection, raise vibrations, healing, glamour, love/fidelity, cleansing, memory


Burn rosemary and cinnamon in a smudge for protection and to invite gentle energy and a higher vibration.

Use rosemary with lavender in a bath or tea to help alleviate anxiety.

Use rosemary oil and peppermint oil diluted in a carrier oil (like almond, coconut, olive, or jojoba oil) as a massage oil to alleviate aches and pains.

Use rosemary oil or infusion in glamour spells and homemade cosmetics to increase circulation to the skin/scalp and promote hair growth.

Use with basil in love and fidelity spells.

Wear a rosemary crown at your wedding to promote a happy and faithful marriage.

Use with oranges or orange peels in cleansing spells and homemade cleaning products.

Wear rosemary oil to an exam or while studying, or burn rosemary incense while meditating to improve your memory.

Plant rosemary near your front door for protection.

Burn rosemary with juniper berries to purify a sick room and promote healing.

Rosemary can be used as a substitute for other herbs in spell work.

Cook with it! Use it in chicken, lamb, potatoes, or vegetables. It pairs well with thyme and sage.