“Do you have the patience to wait till your mud settles and the water is clear? Can you remain unmoving till the right action arises by itself?”
― Lao tzu
Category: Grimoire of the High Priestess
This journal is the home of the spells, recipes, records, and meditations of the High Priestess of the Temple of Adjua Luna.
I’ve recently read two books on accessing the Akashic Records, and attempted to do so today, twice.
The first time was in the shower, while I was doing my glamour ritual. I didn’t ask any particular question, so the records showed me the present moment. Me in the shower. Except with looooooong hair.
The second time was about an hour after the shower, and this time I asked a specific question regarding how to proceed with the story I’m writing.
Since April 1 I’ve been going live on facebook to sing a benediction, and I added my pay links in the description in case anyone wanted to tip me. Nicholas from Pittsburgh (currently in Brooklyn) yesterday sent me a link to download cashapp, which I’d been resisting downloading up until now. But I went ahead and downloaded it. About six hours ago I did my first live with my cashapp handle posted, and shortly after I got my first cashapp tip of $10 from Joi from Brooklyn (currently wherever she is, but probably still Brooklyn).
The answer I got from the records regarding how to proceed with my story was bitcoin (!!!) which happens to be a thing cashapp makes it easy to invest in, so I went ahead and invested my first $10. They told me to invest all the cashapp tips I make for the next 38 days. Why 38? That number has been following me around for the last few weeks. It’s like every time I look at the clock, it’s 5:38 or 9:38 or Something:38. According to Joanne, the numbers 3 and 8 resonate with the Ascended Masters and wealth manifestation respectively, which makes me think it’s applicable here. Also, (and this is the tidbit that made me think this was worth chronicling), 38 days from now is May 25, which is the day before the full moon in Sagittarius.
I would usually find investment scary, especially without a broker. Here’s why it isn’t: the records showed me an image of the rum on my protection altar, which, after it has been offered to my protection spirits, gets turned into vinegar. The metaphor is imperfect, but the meaning is pretty clear to me.
That being said, I just checked on the progress. Yes, it’s only been there about three hours. I’ve lost about fifteen cents. I’m ok with it.
Correspondence: Bay leaves
- Element: fire
- Planet: sun
- Deities: Apollo
- Powers: protection, divination, psychic and dream work, wish magic and manifestation, banishing
Bay leaves are carriers for your magical intentions. Hold the bay leaf in your hands and channel your intention into it, or write the intention directly on the leaf with a sharpie. Use this to add intention to literally any spell or magical recipe (including food).
For a new moon ceremony, write the things you want to invite into your life on a bay leaf. Meditate on your desires while burning the bay leaf over a candle.
For a full moon ceremony, write the things you want to release from your life on a bay leaf. Meditate on your desires while burning the bay leaf over a candle.
Use with sage, cinnamon, or rosemary in a smudge for house blessing and protection.
To attract money, draw a money sigil or specific amount on a bay leaf and keep it in your wallet or purse, or in a mojo bag. If you’re a business owner, keep it in your cash register.
Sleep with a bay leaf under your pillow or drink bay leaf tea before going to bed to enhance your psychic abilities.
Make a mojo bag with a bay leaf, rosemary, and lavender and keep it under your pillow to assist dream recall.
Use in a bay leaf and cinnamon boil to add the elemental power of water to your manifestations.
Recipe: Intention sticks
- cinnamon (the kind for burning)
- 3-10 bay leaves
- baker’s twine or embroidery thread
- (optional) basil, lavender, or any other herb that corresponds with your intention
Choose a number of bay leaves that corresponds with how long your cinnamon stick is. If it’s a short stick, only use three bay leaves. If it’s a long stick, you may be able to use 9 or 10 bay leaves.
Write your intentions on the bay leaves with a sharpie. You can write the same intention on each one, or you can vary them, but it will be more powerful if you keep them all at least thematically similar. Also, you can write your intentions in words, symbols, numbers, sigils, or however feels most powerful to you.
Boil the bay leaves in a pot of water for at least five minutes. (This is a good time to do a bay leaf and cinnamon boil but don’t use the same piece of cinnamon.)
Measure a piece of baker’s twine about the width of your arm span.
Align one of your wet bay leaves with the bottom of your dry cinnamon stick. Tie the bay leaf to the cinnamon with bakers twine, and wrap the twine tightly around both.
Continue wrapping the twine around the cinnamon stick, adding more bay leaves as you go up.
When you reach the top, work your way back down. Tie the two ends of the twine together at the bottom.
Set the intention stick to dry on a rack for 7-10 days or until the bay leaves are completely dry.
- Hold one end of this stick over a candle and let the smoke carry your intentions into the spirit realm.
- Leave it smoldering in a fire safe bowl or abalone shell while you meditate on your manifestations.
- To make an offering to your spirits/deities/ancestors, write intentions like “gratitude” and “worship.” Hold this over a candle while you commune with your spirits.
- For a love spell, use rose petals instead of bay leaves (if they’re fresh you won’t have to boil them first), and write the names and birthdays of the lovers on the rose petals.
- For a money spell, write money sigils or the amount of money you need on the bay leaves and wrap the cinnamon in a basil leaf before adding the bay leaves.
- For a protection spell, tie a rosemary branch to the base of the cinnamon and wrap the bay leaves around both. Use it like you would a smudge to bless and cleanse your house.
- To manifest peace, tie a lavender branch to the base of the cinnamon and wrap the bay leaves around both. If you only have lavender leaves, wrap the bay leaves around the cinnamon stick and wrap the twine around both. When you get to the top, wrap the lavender leaves around the bay leaves and cinnamon, and wrap the twine around all three to work your way back down.
- Ouroboros vinegar (or white vinegar)
- orange peels
- three bay leaves
Write “truth,” “cleanse,” and “Psalm 51:6” on three bay leaves, add them to a mason jar with the orange peels, and 2/3 fill the jar with vinegar.
Heat up the mason jar in a pot of boiling water (or do a bay leaf cinnamon boil) for a few minutes, and then let it cool.
- cleaning/energy cleansing rituals
- add to a new moon ritual bath
- any spell to bless the beginning (or renewal) of a project
- any spell in which you want to compel someone to confess the truth
- hot water
- 3 bay leaves
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 7-10 star anise stars
- 1 whole vanilla bean
Draw sigils/intentions on the bay leaves and add them to a mason jar with cinnamon, star anise, and vanilla beans. Add hot water. Leave on the window sill overnight on the full moon to charge.
- use it as an ingredient in a come to me glamour spell or homemade cosmetics <= this is the one I plan to do
- add honey and drink it like a tea either hot or cold before a performance or social event (if you plan to drink it, don’t write on the bay leaves)
- rinse your hands with it before a performance or social event
- make it with alcohol instead of water and spray it on yourself before a performance or social event
Correspondence: Rosemary
- Element: Fire
- Planet: Sun
- Zodiac: Leo
- Deities: Aphrodite, Venus, Virgin Mary
- Powers: protection, raise vibrations, healing, glamour, love/fidelity, cleansing, memory
Burn rosemary and cinnamon in a smudge for protection and to invite gentle energy and a higher vibration.
Use rosemary with lavender in a bath or tea to help alleviate anxiety.
Use rosemary oil and peppermint oil diluted in a carrier oil (like almond, coconut, olive, or jojoba oil) as a massage oil to alleviate aches and pains.
Use rosemary oil or infusion in glamour spells and homemade cosmetics to increase circulation to the skin/scalp and promote hair growth.
Use with basil in love and fidelity spells.
Wear a rosemary crown at your wedding to promote a happy and faithful marriage.
Use with oranges or orange peels in cleansing spells and homemade cleaning products.
Wear rosemary oil to an exam or while studying, or burn rosemary incense while meditating to improve your memory.
Plant rosemary near your front door for protection.
Burn rosemary with juniper berries to purify a sick room and promote healing.
Rosemary can be used as a substitute for other herbs in spell work.
Cook with it! Use it in chicken, lamb, potatoes, or vegetables. It pairs well with thyme and sage.
This can be used in sigil making, witchy artwork, or any other kind of visual affect in which you want to obscure a number. More info here.
Correspondence: Turquoise

- Color: turquoise, blue, green, yellow-green
- Element: Earth, Air, Fire
- Planet: Neptune, Venus
- Zodiac: Aquarius, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Pisces
- Chakras: Heart (4th), Throat (5th), Third Eye (6th)
- Powers: purification, balance, love and friendship, positivity, serenity, wisdom, protection and stability
Wear a turquoise necklace while giving a presentation or at a social function to balance the throat chakra.
Carry a turquoise gemstone in a small bag for protection while traveling.
Make turquoise infused water with a Gem Pod Water Bottle (yes, this is an affiliate link) and either drink it or spray it on yourself as part of a glamour ritual.
Correspondence: Red Jasper

- Color: brick red/dark red
- Element: Earth, Fire
- Zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Capricorn
- Chakras: Root (1st)
- Powers: stability, grounding, protection, healing from trauma, stimulates courage
Hold it in your hand while you’re meditating to calm or prevent anxiety.
Wear it as a pendant around your neck or carry it in your pocket or in a small bag when you need courage and/or protection. (Click here for a spell to dominate an audience)
As I type this, I’m preparing to go live in thirty minutes while drinking my second cup of coffee for the day. The first cup was at about 2pm in anticipation of my Acoustic Matinee. I’m running on disrupted sleep. My quarantine sleep schedule has drifted so much that the last few days I’ve been waking up at 10 or 11pm, which makes a 3pm show schedule more oppressive than it should be. About twenty minutes after the show, the scaffold of coffee and weed suddenly collapsed, and I became a zombie, eventually conceding that I was useful for nothing but taking a nap. Now I’m waking myself up for the second time.
Sometime in my zombie stupor it occurred to me that if I were still touring, I’d probably be walking to a greyhound bus station in a strange city carrying luggage and a guitar while unable to form full cogent thoughts.
I didn’t rest enough in those days.
People used to get palpably distressed when I described my life. I understand that feeling a bit more now.
The last thing I was doing before I began this entry was mindlessly scrolling facebook while drinking coffee. Or in other words, “wasting time.”
Or in other words, resting.
Rest is important. Supremely important. It’s occurred to me before in meditation that there’s never really a moment in which I’m wasting time, regardless of what my deeply traumatized 12H Saturn (and the deeply traumatizing cishet patricarchial capitalist machine) tries to tell me. When I’m not actively doing the will of Adjua Luna, I’m actively working on myself, which is also the will of Adjua Luna. When I’m doing neither of those, I’m resting, which is working on myself, which is the will of Adjua Luna.
Nothing is ever wasted. Neither effort nor it’s lack.
Maybe I’ll return to this subject later, but I’m going live soon and I have to prepare.
Correspondence: Cinnamon
The first thing to know is that there are two different kinds of cinnamon. I know this because the first time I bought cinnamon to smudge with, it was the wrong kind. It was too thick and wouldn’t burn.

As you can see in the above picture, the cinnamon stick on the left looks like a solid layer of very thick bark curled over on itself somewhat loosely. As you can imagine, that’s the one that won’t burn. It is, however, fantastic for boiling spells, or for adding to tea or coffee or other food, because it can be reused. I wouldn’t put a cinnamon stick in my apple cider after I had used it in coffee, but I would certainly put it in a second cup of coffee. I don’t throw cinnamon sticks away until I’ve used them so many times that they no longer smell like cinnamon, and that usually takes a long time and a lot of uses.
The cinnamon stick on the right, however, is lighter colored and looks like several very thin layers, thin enough that you could peel them apart with your fingers. Those will burn easily if you hold them over a fire, and as such I only use those for smudging.
My experience at several different grocery stores is that there’s no indication on the packaging of which is which, and that the only way to tell the difference is to look at the cinnamon itself (assuming the packaging is clear). A quick google search tells me that the unburnable kind is called “cassia,” not “true cinnamon” but I have never seen it indicated as such. So yeah, just look carefully at what you’re buying before you buy it.
- Element: Fire
- Planet: Sun, Mars
- Gender: Masculine
- Zodiac: Aries, Leo
- Chakras: Root (1st), Sacral (2nd)
- Powers: protection, warmth, love/lust, abundance/prosperity
Add a cinnamon stick to a smudge for a house protection spell. My personal experience is that cinnamon smudges also function as an antidepressant, raising and warming the vibration of the room you’re smudging.
Mix powdered cinnamon with black salt and sweep your house or place of business with it for a success and abundance.
Add power to bay leaf intentions in a boil.
Use cinnamon with vanilla for a love/lust spell.
Use it with cloves, ginger, nutmeg, or basil for a money drawing spell.
Flavor various different foods and beverages, including coffee, tea, wine, hot cocoa, cookies and other desserts, apples and other fruits, and meat.
Use (diluted and in moderation, as too much can burn sensitive skin) in homemade cosmetics and glamour spells to improve acne, heal dry skin, and improve blood flow to the skin. (Don’t use it in anything that will go in your hair.)
Because I so rarely repeat a recipe exactly the way I did it last time, I’m making the executive decision to repost the recipe every time I change it. Because it’s my grimoire and I can do that shit. Also it helps to keep track of what worked and what didn’t. So with that said, here’s my herbal moon water recipe for the Leo moon.
- mason jar
- water
- rosemary (dried)
- chamomile
- 3 bay leaves
- sigil
- coins
I taped my sigil to the bottom of the jar, facing inward. I wrote intentions on both sides of each bay leaf and added it to the jar, with the rosemary, chamomile, and coins.
I filled up the jar with water, capped it, and left it in an east facing window over the full moon in Leo.
- add to glamour magic potions (<= this is the one I’m going to do)
- dilute castile soap
- add a spoonful to the water in a diffuser
- bless/cleanse your witchy tools
- use as a floor wash to bless your house
- pour over your head as a spiritual bath
This is a full moon in Leo, so it’s particularly good for glamour magic, but it will also hold some of the influence of the sun/Saturn/Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius and the Uranus/Mars/Lilith conjunction in Taurus. Keep this in mind when deciding how to use your moon water.
I’m proud to report that I now have 110 out of 150 Psalms up.
The thing is, it isn’t just the Psalms. I’ve also been adding spells from Anna Riva’s Powers of the Psalms, and those can’t be copied and pasted; they have to be typed out by hand. And when I’m done with that book, I’m going to start on Godfrey Selig’s Secrets of the Psalms. It’s a whole Psalm-spell database I’m creating here, in addition to the gender translation.
Actually, before I move on to the next book, I’m going to create a pdf file of just the gender translated Psalms. I’m considering copyrighting it so that nobody else can sell it, but I’m going to give it away in all the Facebook groups for witches and hoodoo practitioners.
Because this is a thing that needs to exist in the world, and people need to have it.
Because this is my contribution to the Divine Feminine revolution.
I still don’t know what I’m going to call it. I haven’t put much thought into that.
- small jar (make sure it’s one you have no interest in ever using again)
- black or dark red candle
- black salt or regular salt
- black pepper
- cayenne pepper
- thieves vinegar or white vinegar
Write the name of the person in the center of a small piece of paper, or draw a sigil symbolizing the person.
In a circle around the name, write “Let his days be few; and let another take his office.” [*]
Fold the paper in half twice and put it in the jar with the other ingredients. Close the jar and shake it. It will fizz. Don’t freak out.
Set a candle on top of the jar and let it burn all the way down.
Today I made three smudges: one with rosemary, basil, and cinnamon; one with rosemary, lavender, and cinnamon; and one with just basil and cinnamon.
It’s unusual that I make a smudge with lavender. It’s easy to get in the springtime, but otherwise, it’s rare. I have a lavender plant, but I’ll only cut one of the branches for a smudge if all the leaves on that branch are already dead. That was the case, and so I made a lavender smudge.
That makes a total of 1.5 “special” smudges I currently have, the .5 being the vanilla smudge I half burned around the new moon. I have more vanilla, and so could theoretically make another vanilla smudge, but it’s so expensive that I want to use it for something else first before I burn it.
The rosemary and basil are from the grocery. I have a rosemary plant, but it’s tiny and has only one branch. It amazes me that it’s still alive, as this is my fourth attempt in less than two years to grow a rosemary plant. I gave up on the basil more than a year ago. Adjua Luna’s Temple will have an herb garden, but in that parallel universe, I’m a reliably good gardener. In that universe I cut branches from blissful, thriving plants to make my smudges without ever having a need to worry for the health of the plant.
The cinnamon will probably always be from the grocery. I’m not going to grow cinnamon.
Recipe: Smudge sticks
- herbs/plants (scroll down for suggestions)
- baker’s twine
Cut the branches of the plant material you are using into 6-8 inch lengths.
Measure a piece of baker’s twine the width of your arm span.
Bundle the branches together (to your desired thickness).
With the tips of the branches pointing down, begin wrapping the cord tightly around the base of your bundle.
Then, wrap the cord around the bundle (while firmly pressing the plant material together) working your way to the tip of the branches.
When you reach the tip, begin working your way back down toward the base.
Tie the two ends of the cord together at the base.
Set the smudge stick to dry in a basket or on a drying rack for 7-10 days (or as long as necessary).
Burn a smudge the same way and for the same reason you’d use incense, as a daily energy clearing ritual, or for more specific purposes:
- sage – cleanse and purify, banish negative energy
- rosemary – protect the home, cleanse and purify, elevate vibration
- cinnamon – protect the home, comfort/warmth
- basil – attract love, money, abundance
- lavender – promote calm, serenity, friendly energy
- fennel – protection
- dragon’s blood – increases the power of whatever you put it with
- thyme – invite positive spirits, sweetness
- rose petals – attract love
- fresh basil
- 3 bay leaves
- cinnamon stick
- money
- hot water
- jar
Add some amount of money, both bills and coins, to a jar. Make the amount of money add up to something numerologically significant, like your birthday (e.g. $6.09 if your birthday is June 9), or an angel number like $2.22.
Write your intentions (can be “money” or “wealth” or “abundance” or some such) on each of the bay leaves and add them to the jar. You can also use this sigil:
Add the basil and cinnamon and then fill up the jar with hot water and cover it. Leave it until it cools down, or let it sit overnight.
Strain the liquid into a different jar. Pour it over your head slowly while you’re taking a shower. While you’re pouring, repeat your favorite money mantra. If you don’t know any, you can use this one from the Psalms:
Wealth and riches shall be in her house: and her righteousness endureth for ever.
– Psalm 112:13
…or you can use this one, also from the Psalms:
The queen shall joy in thy strength, O Lord; and in thy salvation how greatly shall she rejoice!
Thou hast given her her heart’s desire, and hast not withholden the request of her lips. Selah.
For thou preventest her with the blessings of goodness: thou settest a crown of pure gold on her head.
She asked life of thee, and thou gavest it her, even length of days for ever and ever.
Her glory is great in thy salvation: honour and majesty hast thou laid upon her.
For thou hast made her most blessed for ever: thou hast made her exceeding glad with thy countenance.
For the queen trusteth in the Lord, and through the mercy of the most High she shall not be moved.
– Psalm 21:1-7
There are many.
This spell can be done in conjunction with any glamour magick spell to amplify its results.
First of all, I’m happy to report that Chani Nicholas seems to be going back to weekly horoscopes after a couple years of only the full and new moons. Yay!
That being said, I got her horoscope for the week the day before yesterday. The first sentence of the entry for my rising sign was “It’s time to let go of the daily roles and rituals that are untenable, undeniably outdated, or ready for a reboot” … which made me immediately look at the rum and coffee on my living room altar. Some months (or maybe a year, bc what even is time???) ago I started leaving coffee and rum on the altar for Papa Legba because I read it in a book about serving the loa. It was my way of maintaining a connection to the ATR spiritual realm.
Now I’m wondering if it’s necessary.
My relationship with ATRs (African Traditional Religions) is that I have no relationship with ATRs. But I know that the witchdoctor was at my grandmother’s funeral in Ghana. One of my cousins pointed him out and said “That’s the witchdoctor.” I never did find out what his relationship to the family was, considering my family, at least as much as I know of it, is very very Christian.
There were a few years when I considered making a pilgrimage to Ghana independent of my family, and purposefully seeking out somebody to teach me about the ancestral religions. I wouldn’t even know how to begin planning such a pilgrimage, or where to find an appropriate and trustworthy teacher.
My practice now is not an ATR. That’s fine, in part because I am not a Traditional African (if that’s even a thing). I’m starting to think it might be appropriate to offer those offerings to Adjua Luna rather than to the loa or the orishas.
At least, the coffee.
When my minister went out for groceries yesterday, he came back without rum, because we both forgot that liquor stores are closed on Sundays. (Actually, we both didn’t realize it was Sunday. Because what even is time anyway?) Which means I may soon run out of rum. Maybe that’s a sign that I should offer up the rum until I have no more, and then only offer the coffee.
Tangentially, the coffee I offer her is phenomenal. Like, I don’t even have an affiliate link; I just want you to know about this black owned coffee shop.
- leftover candle wax in a glass container
- candle holder
- prewaxed wicks w clips
Gather all the wax you want to melt into a small glass jar or container.
Fold up a wash cloth or a few sheets of paper towel and line the bottom of the pot before filling it up with water. Make sure the water level in the pot is at least an inch lower than the height of the jar. (This is a good opportunity to also do a bay leaf boil.)
Set the jar of wax in the pot, but don’t get any water into the jar. Set the water to boil, and once the water is boiling, turn the flame down to the lowest setting.
While the wax is melting, use a bit of melted wax to affix the clip end of the wick to the bottom of the candle holder. Wrap the top of the wick around a wooden dowel to stop it from falling in.
…or use a contraption like this one, made out of craft sticks and a little tiny clothes pin:
When the wax is melted, use pot holders to remove the jar from the pot and pour the wax into the candle holder.
If the candle is deep, it will almost certainly develop a hole near the wick when it cools. Plan for this. Wait for the hole to develop and pour in more wax. This is why when I make tall candles, I make them four or five at a time rather than one at a time.
When you’re collecting your spare wax, do your best to keep them separated by color, unless the color of the finished product doesn’t matter to you. But don’t freak out if you don’t or can’t. A mishmash-colored candle can still be infused with intention by some other means, like for example, by bay leaf boil.
I usually do this spell while I’m melting leftover wax to make new candles, but it can be done at any time for any reason.
- water
- 2-4 bay leaves
- cinnamon stick
Write your intentions or draw your sigils onto the bay leaves. Add this, the cinnamon, and the $100 bill to a pot of water. If you need your intentions to manifest very quickly, also add ginger or black pepper. You may also add any other herbs that correspond with your intentions.
Set it to boil, and once it’s boiling, lower the flame. Let the mixture boil in an uncovered pot for at least fifteen minutes. Add more water when the pot starts to get low. Occasionally stir clockwise while chanting your intentions.
Either discard the water when you’re done, or keep it for some other purpose. (I wouldn’t drink it, but if you intend to drink it, don’t write anything on the bay leaves. Because you’d be drinking sharpie ink. Don’t do that.)
I’ve been awake for two or three hours now.
I’ve had broth and my pills, but not coffee or food. I’ve just been scrolling facebook. Not doomscrolling. I don’t do that. But inspo-scrolling. Primarily in groups where I seem to have become the grown up. It’s almost too easy to forget that I’m the high priestess when I haven’t done my daily duties. I haven’t smudged or laid out offerings. There’s a candle holder full of old wax waiting for me to melt into new candles. I literally haven’t eaten yet.
My minister has gone out to the grocery store. I was going to go with him, but he decided it would lower the plague risk if I didn’t. The numbers are always rising. There’s a new strain, I’m told. The house isn’t devoid of food, though. I could make a sandwich if inertia weren’t preventing that. I could have some pecans, which were purchased and blessed for just such an occasion. I could have some coffee. It’s literally just sitting on the table.
I don’t always know when I’m anxious, in the same way that I don’t always know when I’m hungry. But usually I can recognize when I’m displaying anxious or hungry behavior, and it would probably be helpful for me to pour myself a cup of coffee and eat a handful of pecans.
I felt drawn to the basil-cinnamon smudge today. I felt drawn to the Money deity from that course I took with Carolyn last year. Adjua Luna doesn’t mind that. She’s friendly with all deities. Some days ago I bargained with her. Bargained is the wrong word. I “talked back” to her? Regardless, I demanded a small monetary win, just big enough and direct enough to be obvious that it was from her. I got my response in the form of an unexpected $20-ish royalty check.
I’m still not sure how to talk about my money situation. I don’t know if I should actively manifest with my words, or if I should describe what I see. This was a problem when this blog was private, and even more so now that it’s public. Maybe that’s not the point. Maybe money and how I choose to talk about it isn’t the point.
But if it’s not the point, why was I called to burn the basil today? Why was I drawn to her today?
I’ve also burned the last of the Jupiter-Saturn candle. It burned down to the clip, but left a blue and black cliff on one side of the candle holder. I removed the clip and stuck in a vanilla votive, which has melted into an ivory-blue-black melange of colors, scents, and intentions. The complicated dance between expansion (Jupiter energy) and structure (Saturn energy), leaves cliffs and cracks for the softness of the vanilla (feminine energy) to smooth over. This was after I was admonished by the god of Pleasure for ignoring her even for one day. She held a hand against my throat and whispered cruelty into my face as she sometimes does. I only notice her when she’s direct. It was she who wanted the vanilla candle.
So what’s next after a sign and an admonishment but to do the thing I’ve been called to do?
Recipe: Bone broth
- vegetable scraps, chicken scraps and bones
- 4tbsp apple cider vinegar
- 1 small ginger root, chopped into smallish pieces (about a handful)
Pile as many vegetable scraps, meat scraps, and bones as will fit in your crock pot.
Fill the pot with water, add the vinegar, and let it sit for an hour in the cold pot.
While you’re chopping the ginger, speak your intentions for the broth. Say “you will be delicious and nourishing,” or “you will make me feel good about myself” or some similar intention.
Add the intentioned ginger, and then run the crock pot for twelve hours on the lowest cook setting. (If your crock pot has a “warm” setting, don’t use that. That’s not a cook setting.)
Strain the bones and vegetables out of the broth when it’s done. If you are using chicken bones, you can probably make another pot or two of broth with the same bones. If you’re using beef or pork, you can probably make another three or four pots with the same bones.
Use this as a base for sauce, rice, pasta, or soup
Perform this glamour magick spell daily:
Pour hot bone broth into a coffee mug, and add a spoonful of God is Love Vinegar. Stir the broth and vinegar with a spoon while chanting:
Love, love, love for my body Love, love, love for myself love, love, love I'm ingesting love, love, love for my health
Drink it when it’s cool enough.